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Strength & Conditioning


Improve your fitness and performance. Superior Performance Center offers certified strength and conditioning specialists to coach athletes of all levels. Strength and conditioning can be utilized for weight management, injury prevention, or performance enhancement. Bring us your goals, and we will design a program specifically designed to meet your needs. Superior Performance Center wants to take you to the next level.


 What is strength and conditioning?

The English Institute of Sport defines strength and conditioning as “the physical and physiological development of athletes for elite sport performance.” Strength and conditioning incorporates the body’s entire movement—core stability, strength, plyometrics, endurance, and speed and agility. This comprehensive movement mindset is why participation in a proper strength and conditioning program enhances performance and provides necessary injury prevention exercises.


Can strength and conditioning be sport specific?

YES! The exercise prescriptions that are assigned during each individually tailored strength and conditioning session can be sport specific or focus on overall body maintenance depending on the goals of each athlete. Strength and conditioning programs can also focus on proper sport mechanics. Our certified strength and conditioning specialists can design programs that fit specific needs and requests of athletes, teams, and coaches.


Baseball & Softball

  • Throwing Mechanics
    -Shoulder injury prevention
    -Elbowi jury prevention
  • Hitting mechanics
    - Core stability
    - Low back injury prevention
  • Speed & Agility
  • Running mechanics
  • Strength building
  • Weight management




Boxing & Martial Arts   

  • Speed & Agility
    -Bob and weave mechanics
    -Blocking mechanics
  • Punch mechanics
    - Shoulder injury prevention
    - Elbow injury prevention
  • Speed & Agility
  • Running mechanics
  • Strength building
  • Plyometrics
  • Endurance




  • Jumping mechanics
    -Ankle injury prevention
    -Knee injury prevention
  • Speed & Agility
  • Running mechanics
  • Endurance
  • Passing mechanics
    - Shoulder injury prevention
    - Elbow injury prevention
  • Strength building





  • Jumping mechanics
    -Ankle injury prevention
    -Knee injury prevention
  • Speed & Agility
  • Endurance
  • Hitting mechanics
    - Shoulder injury prevention
    - Elbow injury prevention
    - Core stability
  • Strength building


Superior Performance Center
9220 Bass Lake Road, Suite 350
New Hope, MN 55428
Phone: 763-208-9545
Fax: (651) 927-8668

Office Hours

Get in touch
